
Showing posts from August, 2008

Womens Day 2021

It was a regular day at the office filled with back-to-back conference calls, unrealistic client requests, colleagues complaining about slow wi-fi and whining about bosses who constantly nag.  In the discreet corner of the office, near the water-cooler, which more often than not becomes a hub of office gossip and harmless banter, somebody spoke. Such things happen when the environment is conducive enough. People let their guards down and unknowingly expose their innermost, crude and lewd biases. This someone basically cribbed that Women's day is celebrated every year with such enthusiasm as against to Men's day which is a relatively low-key affair. This someone also added numerous examples of sacrifices that men make in their daily lives but which go unrecognized. Added that modern women are supposedly empowered enough with the world rooting for them. Needless to say, this somebody was a he. And then everybody in the nodded in agreement and the banter continued. I thought o

Fear of Losing or Obsession to Win?

Confused? think wisely. OK let me help you out. What do you think, are they same or different? Well most of you will think that they are different. But a handful of the probable readers of my blog will think that they are the same. OK another question for you. Which of you think is more Harmful? and the scope of this harm can be the person himself or the people around him/her. Can anyone of these qualities ruin u? Well this question popped in my mind when i had my very first encounter with destiny. I am firm believer that a man creates his own Fate. But some incidents in your life makes you helpless. You virtually have no control on those things. It is today that i have realised that Destiny is very powerful. Never before I have found myself in such a situation where you are made to do something. It's a bit annoying when you have no control on the things around you. You have no freedon of choice. You are compelled to LOSE. I will here explain my title. Well there is a very fine rel