Womens Day 2021

It was a regular day at the office filled with back-to-back conference calls, unrealistic client requests, colleagues complaining about slow wi-fi and whining about bosses who constantly nag.  In the discreet corner of the office, near the water-cooler, which more often than not becomes a hub of office gossip and harmless banter, somebody spoke. Such things happen when the environment is conducive enough. People let their guards down and unknowingly expose their innermost, crude and lewd biases. This someone basically cribbed that Women's day is celebrated every year with such enthusiasm as against to Men's day which is a relatively low-key affair. This someone also added numerous examples of sacrifices that men make in their daily lives but which go unrecognized. Added that modern women are supposedly empowered enough with the world rooting for them. Needless to say, this somebody was a he. And then everybody in the nodded in agreement and the banter continued. I thought o

Harishchandragarh - The Encore

“I am going out for a run.” said Anees. Mandeep just growled. “In this heat?” he asked. Part to hide his laziness, part to discourage Anees so that he could have a partner to share the cigarette. Anees said yes, determinedly. He did not want to miss the run for anything. Leave alone a cigarette.

“Ah! Whatever man. I will got to the common room and watch the India-Australia test series on TV instead of following live scores on the internet.” And with that Mandeep got up and left. Anees glanced at him. Mandeep’s boxers were way too below the socially accepted decency lines. He know that Mandeep thought it was charming of him to do a skin-show so he decided to not comment on it.

Just as Mandeep was leaving, Pratham entered. He was all sweaty and breathing heavily from the recently completed run. He too could not help but notice Mandeep’s waistline and winked at Anees. Anees gestured, leave him alone, with a wave of hand. Pratham knew that it was hopeless advising Mandeep. So he just let it be.

“How was the run today?” asked Anees.

“Excellent! Lot of pretty girls today.” Anees knew that Pratham only went for a run on Marine Drive to gaze at pretty girls. Marine Drive, situated at one of the most posh location on Mumbai, is a sight on its own. Shaped a perfect semi-circle, along the Arabian Sea, this place is unmissable for someone visiting Mumbai. Fondly called as The Queen’s Necklace since the illuminated road, when looked at from an elevated point at night, resembles pearls on a necklace. It is arguably the favorite place to relax for everyone in Mumbai. From families living in cramped apartments, to the boss-tormented corporate slaves. From college kids wanting to hangout, to lovers wanting some privacy. Ironically, there is hardly any privacy on Marine Drive but do the people in love care? The place is literally alive 24x7. The ocean provides much needed serenity to the noise tormented people of the metropolis.

On the promenade parallel to the road, many people come for a run. Pratham was one of them. He was hardly health conscious, but was aware that those were his last few days in Mumbai and wanted to make the best out of it. One thing he was sure he would miss the most was Marine Drive. He had many lovely memories here. India’s cricket world cup win in 2011, Holi celebrations with his hostel mates, late night walks were a few of them. He was also influenced by Anees’ discipline towards health. Anees being from an army family was very conscious of his health.

Anees, Pratham and Mandeep were roommates. They were studying at a premier management institute located in south Mumbai. The college had hostel facility situated just along Marine Drive. For students who had hometown out of Mumbai, the hostel was a blessing. Charging merely Rs. 8000 for a year, the hostel provided stay at the place which boasted most expensive rental properties in Mumbai.

“So the plan is on, isn’t it?” Asked Pratham.

“Absolutely man. Hardik, Ahmed and Mahesh have also confirmed. We leave on 22nd morning and will be back by 23rd evening. We will catch a local train to Thane and a bus from there to Khubi Phata. Have breakfast there and start the trek.”

“Awesome! It will be great fun. I have heard a lot about Harishchandragarh. They say the trek is extremely difficult and the view from the top is extremely beautiful.”

“Yes. I have heard that too. The trek can be very challenging for amateurs. Especially the part with the rock climb. The climb is steep, and the trail very narrow. I have forewarned the others too. They seemed a little nervous, but they will be fine I guess.”

“I am really looking forward to it.” Pratham said.

He had no idea that this trek is going to change his life. Forever.   

(...to be continued)


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